The Ambassador Lifestyle

This verse-by-verse exposition of 2 Corinthians 5:1–21 will give you a newfound passion to live your life as an ambassador for Christ. Through this study, you will be:

- Challenged in your daily walk with Christ.
- Reminded to walk in a manner worthy of the Gospel.
- Taught what it means to fear the Lord and not man.
- Encouraged to persuade others to follow Jesus.
- Oriented to the processes of justification and sanctification.
- Charged with going into the world to speak on behalf of the King.

Believer in Christ, your home is not this temporary earth! Your citizenship is in heaven. But you have been commissioned by the King to be an ambassador in this foreign land. You are placed here for a purpose. You are put on the earth for a reason, which is to live The Ambassador Lifestyle as you implore the world to be reconciled to God.

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Sermon Notes for Kids | Adventure

Parents, this is a great opportunity for your children to learn what it means to follow along with the preacher's sermon. Each of the work pages have been intentionally crafted for your child to comprehend the entire teaching. Give your children a simple opportunity to follow along with the preaching each Sunday morning. This note-taking book will help your child to organize and take notes in such a way that will be easy to reference around the lunch table after church.

- Teach your child how to engage with the sermon
- Discipline your children how to take notes
- Focus on the most important aspects of the teaching
- Prepare for follow-up conversations after Sunday worship
- 26 sermon work pages
- Scripture memory writing practice
- Creative illustration spots for drawing and coloring

Pastors, this would be an excellent Christmas present to give to each child in your church.

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Sermon Notes Notebook

Pastors, never has there been a more perfect gift to your congregation than to provide them a Sermon Notes Notebook, which will allow them to engage in your message more than ever! Encourage each congregant to use the format to keep sermon notes, so that they can follow-up and remember your sermon.

These notebooks are perfect for engaging in meaningful Bible studies following the Sunday morning sermon!

Church member, this Sermon Notes Notebook is for you!

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Let The Peoples Praise You

You are about to embark on a 30-day journey through Psalm 67 and my prayer is that your life will forever be changed! This Psalm is packed with theology, doctrine and application for the believer. God’s Word will challenge you to press forward and obey the instruction brought forth. Trust the sufficiency of the all-satisfying Scripture that our Lord provides for us to grow in our sanctification.

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Sermon Notes for Kids | Original

Parents, this is a great opportunity for your children to learn what it means to follow along with the preacher's sermon. Each of the work pages have been intentionally crafted for your child to comprehend the entire teaching. Give your children a simple opportunity to follow along with the preaching each Sunday morning. This note-taking book will help your child to organize and take notes in such a way that will be easy to reference around the lunch table after church.

- Teach your child how to engage with the sermon
- Discipline your children how to take notes
- Focus on the most important aspects of the teaching
- Prepare for follow-up conversations after Sunday worship
- 26 sermon work pages
- Scripture memory writing practice
- Creative illustration spots for drawing and coloring

Pastors, this would be an excellent Christmas present to give to each child in your church.

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Walking Against the Culture

Coming Soon...

A Life Devoted To Christ

The purpose of this book is for you to consider what it means to live a life that is counter-cultural, a life worthy of the Gospel. We are called to leave this world behind in pursuit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our calling is the walk in a manner that is holy and blameless (Ephesians 1:3-4). This book is written to not only motivate this pursuit in your life, but to give instruction and admonition in the process.

There are 10 Beatitudes that you will study throughout this book. My encouragement to you is to devote yourself to reading and studying this book over the course of 10 days. Take the necessary time to dive into the Scripture that is given for you to study. Do your best to eliminate the distractions around you. Begin with prayer and meditation each day. Always bring a pen to make sure to mark up the book and take notes in the area provided. Leave no stone unturned as you learn what it means to study Scripture in the way of exposition through Jesus’ teachings on the Beatitudes.

The Bible is totally sufficient for our Justification and Sanctification. My goal in writing this book is to help bring both Sola Scriptura and Tota Scriptura into the minds of the believer. This is not to say that we cannot benefit from readings outside of the Bible (which is obvious since I am writing this book), but we need to allow Scripture to speak most heavily in directing our life. Use this book to learn what it means to Walk Against The Culture.

Good Servant of Christ

This exegetical study through 1 Timothy 4 is coming soon...